Our goal is to make music!
And whether we play ancient or modern music, we strive to make that music come alive!
The Adirondack Baroque Consort (known as the ABC) was formed over fifty years ago in 1962 by the late Dr. Maurice C. Whitney, who was Director of Music for the Glens Falls City Schools.
The ABC has an active schedule of concertizing and musical lectures at historic houses, schools, colleges, libraries, churches, senior residences and organizational gatherings. Among the venues in the Albany area are the Troy Music Hall, Saint Paul’s of Troy, the “Tuesdays at Noon” Concert series, the Medieval Fair at Albany’s All Saints Cathedral, Schuyler Mansion, East Greenbush Library, and “First Night” celebrations in Albany and Saratoga. The group also performs at weddings and special events where early music is appropriate.