Libraries & Museums in Greene County NY | Buy In Greene

Libraries & Museums in Greene County

Palenville Branch Library

The Palenville Branch Library is dedicated to providing free access to the world of ideas, learning and entertainment for enrichment of their respective communities.

The D. R. Evarts Library

The library provides access to a variety of materials and services, which help to meet the educational, informational, and recreational needs of the members of the community.

80 Second Street, Athens, NY 12015
Service/Delivery Area: Athens

Piano Performance Museum

A one-of-a-kind collection of historic pianos and musical artifacts that offer a unique insight into the development of pianos in Europe and America over the past four centuries.

7971 Main Street, Hunter, NY 12442

Zadock Pratt Museum

Located in Prattsville New York, the Zadock Pratt Museum is dedicated to exhibiting the history and culture of the Northern Catskill Region during the mid-nineteenth century, the heyday of the tanning industry in the area.

14540 Main Street, Prattsville, NY 12468

Windham Public Library

The Windham Public Library was founded in 1922. It offers newspapers, magazines, research material, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more.

5379 Main St, Windham, NY 12496
Service/Delivery Area: Windham

Hunter Public Library

The mission of the Hunter Public Library is to meet, provide, and serve the needs of each and every member of the Hunter-Tannersville Central School Districts' education, culture, and recreation.

7965 Main Street, Hunter, NY 12442, Hunter, NY 12442
Service/Delivery Area: Hunter

Heermance Memorial Library

The mission of the Heermance Memorial Library is to inspire lifelong learning and to support and enhance the cultural and recreational needs of our community.

1 Ely Street, Coxsackie, NY 12051
Service/Delivery Area: Coxsackie

Mountain Top Library

The Mountain Top Library was originally called the Haines Falls Free Library and was founded in 1900. It is the mission of the Mountain Top Library to disseminate knowledge through the offering of information and communication services, literature and history.